There are several simple, quick things you could do now to help you save on your energy bills, as well as some home improvements that could reduce your bills in the long term.
If you own a property you can use the GOV.UK energy efficiency calculator to get recommendations for home improvements that could make your property cheaper to heat and keep warm.
For each recommendation you can see:
- an estimated cost of making the improvement
- how much you could save on your bills
- next steps if you want to make the improvement
Find ways to save energy in your home
Other ways to save energy
- Help for Households energy saving tips
- Energy saving tips from the Energy Saving Trust
- Your home energy checklist (pdf) from National Energy Action (NEA)
Understand your electricity consumption around the home (pdf). This includes:
- how much appliances cost to run
- where you might be able to make savings
Energy advice and grants
Homeowners and tenants who receive benefits, are on a low income or have long term health issues, may be entitled to grant funding to help improve the overall energy efficiency for their property. Find out more about energy advice and grants.